I stumbled upon this Glossary of Terms for the Minutes of Meetings and thought that it would make a helpful blog post for those of you who must occasionally write up the minutes. Please feel free to contribute other helpful ideas.
Term: The results were inconclusive.
Meaning: Nothing was accomplished
Term: The committee met and evaluated the situation.
Meaning: Half the members turned up and talked for a while.
Term: We explored all possible solutions to the problem.
Meaning: Everybody talked a lot.
Term: It is suggested that the wisest course…
Meaning: This is what I think…
Term: While no agreement was reached, we feel that definite progress was made towards resolving differences.
Meaning: Nobody budged an inch.
Term: This concludes the committee’s appraisal of the situation.
Meaning: We absolve ourselves of all responsibility.
Term: It is hoped that this report will stimulate increased interest in the problem.
Meaning: Let somebody else do it next time.
Term: A great deal of additional work will be necessary before the proposal can be acted upon.
Meaning: Nobody understood it.
Term: It is widely accepted that…
Meaning: One other person agrees with me that…
Finally, I will leave you with this favourite quote by one Sir Barnet Cocks, who said ‘A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled.’
I can use this!